The movie is directed, and written by Wes Anderson. It stars Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, Cate Blanchett, Anjelica Houstan, Willem Dafoe, and Jeff Goldblum. With this all star team it would be hard to make a bad movie. The music for the film was created by Seu Jorge who also had a part in the film. The music was mostley David Bowe covers Played by Seu Jorge, but sang in portuguese.
The film is about Captain Steve Zissou who make nature documentaries, and his life is falling down around him. He originally made stellar documentaries, with his crew, that people absolutely loved, but the films have slowley been getting worse. To make things even more awful in his last film his best friend, and crew mate was killed by an animal. This sets Steve to go out and find the animal and return the favor.
While Steve is getting set to go out and find this animal while filming another documentary, he runs into some odd situations. His marriage starts to fall apart, and his wife is the person funding the films. His long lost son Played by Owen Wilson contacts him, and ends up joining the crew to set out on this adventure. And finally, while they go out to film this a reporter played by Cate Blanchett joins the crew to document the film making process.
This film is very different from your standard every day movie. This is to be expected with Wes Andersons film making. The major thing that can be seen within the first few minutes of the film is that the way the characters interact with each other is very different. No character within the film falls flat personality wise. Every person has their own character traits, strengths, and flaws.
The next thing that is very apparent is the visuals within the film. One scene specifically comes to mind when Steve walks through the boat. The boat is visually shown cut in half. If you can imagine a two dimensional video game where a character can go left, right, up, and down, this is how the boat is shown.
The story is an action, adventure, comedy, and drama just to name a few genres it falls under. The movie feels very artistic, and if you are looking to branch out of the ordinary movie, I would recommend this.
To find out more about the movie on Imdb click the link below
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