Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Film Babbles Blog about Star Wars

The Film Babble Blog had a post called It’ll Always Be STAR WARS, Not A NEW HOPE To Me, where the blog describes the crawl text of Star Wars through the different films, and how the films have been edited through the years.

The main overarching idea in the post talks about how when the original Star Wars film was released it was just called Star Wars. Now when a consumer goes to watch the movie it is called Star Wars Episode IV: a New Hope. This has changed because the film was reedited since release to vhs, dvd, and blue-ray. The original way the film was release in theaters is not available to an every day consumer. A person who have to illegally download the film online to see its original version. The author also brings up the original film won the best film editing oscar. This seems like the original film should be released unedited along with the reedit, and allow people to decide which version is better.  

This article hits home because star wars is one of my favorite films of all time. I would like to legal be able to purchase and see how the film was originally seen in theaters. Film Babble did a great job of explaining why this should happen in the future.

The blog also discusses how the new Star Wars film Rouge One does not have the screen crawl in it. This sets up other movies in the same universe, made by other people, to allow them to make films on how they envision it with or without the text.

If you would like to read his full blog about the idea you can click the link below.

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