Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Jaws is a fantastic movie to look more in depth into how a score affects a movie. A score is defined as music made for the movie specifically. This music made to help define the movie, and not music made outside of the movie for other purposes.

I would like to look at jaws because most people have either seen the movie or have at least herd the movie score one place or another. The music is very deep and starts off slowly. Then as the music progresses it gets faster and faster to build up tension.

There is a scene within the movie where a woman is swimming by her self in the water, and is eventually attacked by the shark. If you were to take this scene and play no music over it, it would still be terrifying because of the way shark attacks. Yet, it would be a girl floating around for a while by her self with some weird camera angles. Then the shark comes across and attacks.

When you add the music it adds the affect of suspense and unknowing to the scene. You see the girl swimming. Then you hear the first few notes of the of the score. They are deep and give a feeling of uneasiness. Then the camera flips underneath her in the water and the music starts to pick up. This show or hints at the idea that what ever is make the scene uneasy is going to come from under the water. Then the music builds as strong as it can go and she is finally attacked.

This shows how a score can set a scene, or even show a mood that a directer wants you to feel. A movie score is an essential piece of film making that can greatly enhance how the film is shown.

For more about this film on IMDB click here 

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