Monday, February 27, 2017

10 Directors that will help you fall in love with film making

For a person looking to increase the number of interesting, and well made movies to their repertoire they can look into great directors. Here are 10 directors that have helped define what it is to make a movie.

1. Alfred Hitchcock

This man is a legend among film makers. He is the master of cinematography, and the art of story telling. He directed many classic films that are different genres. He was the master of horror, and suspence.

Movies to watch: Psycho, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Rear window
For more about this director click here

2. Stanley Kubrick

Another legend within the film industry. His movies have ideas and themes that are still being uncovered to this day. The subtle imagery, and themes makes his movies great for rewatching to uncover missed themes, and ideas from the first time watching them.

Movies to watch: The shining, a clockwork orange, 2001: a space odyssey, Full Metal Jacket
For more about this director click here

3. Martin Scorsese

Martin Scorsese knows how to tell a story. Most of his best work is adaptations. His use of long shots, and quick cuts help him tell amazing stories. Two of his master pieces are about real people showing the life of Jordan Belfort, and Henry Hill.

Movies to watch: The Wolf of Wall Street, Goodfellas, The Departed, Casino
For more about this director click her

4. Quentin Tarantino

This is an independent film maker who is not afraid to use gore and violence to tell a story. He uses interesting dialog to help make interesting characters. This idea helps evolve his film making to the next level because it makes the audience members care about what is happening the characters as the film moves forward.

Movies to Watch: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill: Vol. 1, Django Unchained
For more about this director click here

5. Steven Spielberg

Maybe the most known director to the every day film goer. He has produced blockbuster after blockbuster. He has directed war films, adventures, thrillers, dramas, and many other types of films.

Movies to watch: Saving Private Ryan, Jurassic park, E.T, Raiders of the lost ark,
For more about this director click here

6. Christopher Nolan

Gritty, non-linear, epic storytelling are just a few words to describe Christopher Nolans way of telling a story. He may have a short list of movies directed by him, but he has only released master pieces.

Movies to watch: Interstellar, The Dark Knight, Inception, Memento
For more about this director click here

7. George Lucas

Next to Spielberg, George Lucas may be the next well know movie maker on this list. He perfected what a space opera is. He is truly a fantastic sci-fi    He may have received more criticism from people for his later work, but in my mind he created work that will last for generations.

Movies to watch: Star Wars: Episode IV, THX 1138, American Graffiti
For more about this director click here

8. Oliver Stone

The man writes on ideas that are considered dark by most. He takes ideas such as wall street, football, or war and shows their darkest areas.

Movies to watch: Natural born Killers, Wall Street, Platoon, Alexander
For more about this director click here

9. Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson May have the most interesting, and different approach to film making. He uses heavy character development, and non traditional film making to the next level.

Movies to watch: The Grand Budapest Hotel, Moonrise Kingdom, The life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Fantastic Mr. Fox
For more about this director click here

10. Peter Jackson

The last director on the list shows how to truly adapt a novel to film. Between his realistic sets, as well as his well done CGI he will blow your mind on how an epic story should be told.

Movies to Watch: Lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring, Lord of the rings: Two Towers, The lord of the rings: Return of the king, King Kong
For more about this director click here

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